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Alarm clock - ringtones

List of Alarm clock ringtones. You can audition and download the Alarm clock ringtones that are ideal for smartphones. Delivering mp3 for andoroid and m4r for iPhone!

Download effective alarm sound by setting it as an alarm sound

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Start your day with a gentle alarm clock sound of a female voice. A series of bright electronic beeps is followed by a pleasant female voice that warmly greets you with,Good morning. Its a fun way to lift your mood and brighten up your day,giving you a positive feel for the day.

Alien Alarm is an imaginative and unique alarm sound inspired by an otherworldly alarm clock. No one has actually heard an alien alarm,but this work aims to capture the essence of how such sounds are perceived. This long,mystical composition incorporates futuristic and surreal elements to create an otherworldly atmosphere. The melodies are crafted in electronic and fantastical tones to give you a sense of intrigue and excitement as you wake up with this otherworldly alarm. Alien Alarm is perfect for those looking for a unique and unconventional waking experience. Its surreal,futuristic feel sets it apart from traditional alarms,making it an ideal choice for those who love exploring new and imaginative concepts. It may be crazy,but using “alien alarm” as your wake-up sound will add fun and surprise to your morning. This unique composition will surely leave an unforgettable impression and arouse the curiosity of the listener. Please note that Alien Alarm is a purely imaginative creation and is designed for entertainment purposes. Embrace the unexpected and the unknown with this playful and unusual alarm sound.

Warm Plug Alarm is a gentle and pleasant alarm sound that pursues a pleasant awakening. Perfect for those looking for a nice,soothing sound to start the morning. This long,melodic composition serves as an ideal alarm tone for traditional alarm clocks and smartphones,allowing for a gentle awakening. This alarm sound melody is made in a slow tempo to avoid sudden harsh sound changes. It incorporates relaxing instruments and harmonious tones that contribute to a sense of calmness and tranquility. Use “Warm Plug Alarm” as your morning wake-up tone for a calm and stress-free start to your busy day. Its soothing effects help refresh the mind and bring a positive mood for tomorrow. Warm Plug Alarm is ideal not only as an alarm,but also as background music for relaxation and stress relief. The warm ambience provides a sense of security and comfort,perfect for those looking for a moment of relaxation. With its warm and inviting atmosphere,the Warm Plug Alarm is created to provide a pleasant and soothing waking experience for those who want a quiet and enjoyable start to their day. This music will ensure you wake up peacefully,feeling refreshed and ready to face the day ahead.

Analog alarm clock bell.